harissa beef sirloin with pepper & lemon sauce [recipe rundown: week four]

We’re not generally (read: ever) ones to add steak to the shopping list. Blake’s not huge on red meat, and I’m too much of a quality meat snob to buy your general supermarket fare. Thanks for this recipe rundown, then, must go to Mumma Bear who stocked our fridge with top notch sirloin straight from the butcher. Praise be.

What better way to give justice to this rare ingredient, then by opening up Ottolenghi’s pages and following what has so far been unfaltering guidance. The result: Harissa beef sirloin with pepper and lemon sauce.

For a dish that both sounds and looks relatively simple, there’s a fair few spoonfuls of flavour bomb which pack a punch. Notably:

  • Rose Harissa. This is considered a ‘pantry staples’ à la Ottolenghi, though isn’t necessarily easy to come by I found. He swears by the Belazu paste which you can purchase online though I feel like this counteracts most people’s mindset when cooking from the aptly titled, Simple. In Australia, Josh&Sue’s Rose Harissa should be dotted about the place, and the Essential Ingredient has stores in Sydney and Melbourne. Or. You can do as I did: grab yourself ‘normal’ harissa + rose petals; grind up some of the rose petals in a spice blender, while soaking some in hot water; mix in the ground petals and ‘rosewater’ into the paste; voila. It makes you feel quite the innovative chef even if you have no idea that it adds the right impact.
  • Preserved Lemon. Of course this was good. I now want to be one of those people that pickles and preserves, and have these handy on the reg.

This dish goes well accompanied by a crusty loaf and a good red. Leftover pepper + lemon sauce then works wonderfully tossed with pasta the next night (grate over pecorino for extra mmms. As learned last week, everything is better with pecorino).

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