recipe rundown: week two

Sunday night is more often than not reserved for our potato pizza night. We like to think we’ve got it down to a fine art. But then Ottolenghi once again comes along, and shows us how to adult the pizza game.

This week’s recipe is another from Simple: Pizza bianca with potato, anchovy and sage.

The title probably doesn’t fully depict the richness of this pizza, or just how well the ingredients combine in forming a smooth, congruent topping. All mixed into one, there’s mascarpone, pecorino romano, anchovies, sage and lemon zest; which ends up becoming the pizza base. Wowzer. With four of those five ingredients entering my shopping trolley for the first time in history, you can bet that this didn’t tick the “P” of Otto’s “Simple” (i.e. common pantry ingredients). But it was much easier than you think and you can bet we’ll be purchasing those ingredients again for pizza bianca round two.

2 weeks down, 40 to go.

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